16.12.2014 12:57 # 126000Этот уж по внушительнее будет
12.12.2014 20:07 # 125755людскими ресурсами. В самом жалком случае
10.12.2014 20:32 # 125626Я лично все еще удивляюсь тому, что нет еще значка, который бы выделял победителей в конкурсах по рисункам.А так надеюсь ваши идеи не останутся без внимания редактора сайта =)
01.12.2014 21:18 # 124970U don`t talk much I see. Good Luck with your fine one
01.12.2014 16:47 # 124960I also talk by Skype to foreigners. My Eng is honestly not really perfect by pronunciation, so I`m improving it. What U can tell about yours?
28.11.2014 20:53 # 124892singer Dev announced a new musical clip which directed by same genre oriented singer Kreayshawn
28.11.2014 15:30 # 124874since I was 15 years old I started constantly learning Eng. I wasn`t pleased of the course of teaching at our school. I decided to practise it by buying grammatical books, watching films with Eng subtitles and chatting with foreigners in Eng =)
27.11.2014 23:02 # 124861This trailer is the latest to figure out what we can try in this game. It seems to be fun. The game`s sounding atmosphere gets through my mind
27.11.2014 22:54 # 124860Evolve is the new smilar to Left for Dead game adventure with same sum of group players to survive together. Made by Left for Dead`s creators. It releases in February 2015
27.11.2014 22:45 # 124858Guys, we can share some videos to have some discussions and get to know about our interests =)
27.11.2014 22:40 # 124856Not so obviously) English is not the easiest. Life will show U anyway
27.11.2014 18:57 # 124852U really think so? could U make a review in Eng or mathemathical report, or write poem? I doubt about it
27.11.2014 01:19 # 124833will be always glad to have a conversation with you. by the way, how long have U been learning Eng?
26.11.2014 17:19 # 124796Nothing about Spanish. Only English to be discussed
25.11.2014 22:17 # 124747that`s nice to have a chatter, even if he has some sponsor for help
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